Scott Binning
Two days after his arrival in Cheyenne in 1980, Scott Binning joined the PR Committee at CFD. He would remain a volunteer for the next 24 years. Due to his background in hosting media for sporting events at the University of Texas at El Paso, Scott started with CFD as a media host. Over the next 16 years, Scott worked with the media. He was later joined by Bob Budd to develop a relationship with The George Michael Sports Machine from Washington, D.C. Scott helped coordinate production on television spots and on videos that were produced and distributed by the Sports Machine staff. This allowed for expanded coverage of CFD as the event was broadcast by television stations in Denver and drew film crews and photographers from France, Germany, Japan, Italy, and Canada. Scott was elected into the HEELS organization in 1990 where he was extremely active. Then, from 1996 to 1998, Scott served as the PR Committee Chairman, just in time to help host the 100th celebration of CFD. He was an undeniable asset to the development of the media relations area of the PR Committee. With his guidance, the Committee successfully accommodated the influx of extra press representatives in 1996. Some of the media relationships he formed with CFD are still enjoyed today. While he served as Public Relations Chairman, the new Public Relations building was completed to accommodate this Committee’s growing volunteer force. In addition, Scott was the liaison to the General Committee for the CFD Western Art Show and served several years on its Committee. He also volunteered for the Western Spirit Art Show Committee.