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Open 7 Days a Week, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Dazee Bristol

Dazee is especially remembered for her contributions to the Cheyenne Frontier Days™ Parades. Asked by Parades Chairman George F. Jones in 1927 to help put together a pageant with Fred and Margaret Boice Dazee formed floats for the parade. Attributed to her theatrical flair are six parade floats depicting frontier history: the Placer Mine Harry P. Hynds’ Blacksmith Hiram’s Dance Hall Hell’s Half-Acre Silver Crown Mining and the Vigilantes. Dazee trained the participants on her floats teaching square dancers for the dance hall organizing five lynchings a block for the vigilantes and teaching the dance hall girls and shady characters their parts. Parties held afterwards at her house were full of tales from the riders food and a good time.
