Bob Weaver
Bob Weaver was one of the most dedicated volunteers for Cheyenne Frontier Days for over 50 years, serving primarily on the Ticket Committee. Bob was voluntarily on call throughout the years to ensure that the best 10 days of the year ran smoothly. He took on tasks such as grounds maintenance, signage updates, building maintenance, and painting. With a conservative estimate of 220 hours of volunteer hours each year, Bob dedicated approximately 11,200 volunteer hours over the course of his lifetime. Elected to the HEELS in 1977, Bob achieved his Silver HEEL status in 2017 after 40 years of membership. During his time with the HEELS, he served as an officer from 2010 as the Run-Down HEEL until 2014 when he was elected as the Leather HEEL. He held the record of top seller of the HEELS 50/50 Raffle Tickets each year since its inception. In addition to his time with the HEELS, Bob also mentored younger volunteers and was well respected among all committees. He instilled a family legacy of volunteering by introducing Frontier Days to his wife Pat and daughter Patrice in 1970 – Patrice continues to volunteer for the Tickets Committee. Bob’s other daughter and grandson began their volunteer careers in 2017. Bob always had a pleasant attitude when volunteering and continuously promoted intra-committee cooperation and camaraderie. Bob traveled to the Denver Stock Show for many years to sell tickets and promote Cheyenne Frontier Days. He attended every single workday and helped build many improvements to the Ticket Committee area. Bob passed away in December of 2018 from cancer. “Bob lived for Cheyenne Frontier Days and was in the HEELS office every single day. He embraced the volunteer experience.”
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