Lorena Trickey
The cowgirl who perfected the “Let’er Fly” mount exchange, Lorena Trickey competed at Cheyenne Frontier Days™ in the early 1900s. In relay racing, each cowgirl rode a string of four horses during the event. Each horse was ridden once around the track, with the cowgirl switching mounts between each circuit. Cowgirls would often do a saddle to saddle exchange while the horses were galloping. Lorena is credited with being the first to use this “Let’er Fly” technique. At Cheyenne, she won the Ladies Relay Race in 1920, 1921, 1924, and 1926 and the 1921 Ladies Saddle Bronc championship. As Cheyenne Frontier Days™ champion cowgirl of the show, she was awarded the McAlpin Trophy in 1920 and 1921, earning an all expense paid trip to New York City. In 1922 at Cheyenne, Lorena won a pair of spurs, once owned by the King of Hawaii, and a paid trip to the islands.
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