Guy Allen
Guy Allen first came to Cheyenne Frontier Days™ as a child in 1966 with his parents and siblings to watch his father compete. They would come and camp out for the entire ten days. As his father competed, he and the other contestants’ children would have their own roping out back of Chute 9. Ann Allen wrote in her biography of her son, “We have many memories of CFD, some glad and some sad. One story I remember was when Guy was rather young, before he was old enough to enter the rodeo. James (Guy’s father) was a contestant, and there were some places you couldn’t go without a contestant’s pass. So Guy was trying to go through a gate to get where his dad was getting ready to rope. The man at the gate would not let Guy through, Guy told the man, ‘Someday I’ll be back and you’ll have to let me in.’ Sure enough in 1976, that same man was at the contestant’s gate, and Guy said to him ‘I told you someday you’d have to let me in.’” Guy Allen has been returning ever since. Nicknamed “The Legend” by his peers, Guy Allen of Santa Anna, Texas, won his PRCA-record 17th world title in 2003, after sewing up the championship at the National Finals Steer Roping in Amarillo, Texas. By age 13, Guy, was an accomplished steer roper. Allen joined the PRCA at 16 and filled his permit within a month. When he was just 19, Allen competed in the first of a record 27 NFSRs and brought home a world title, becoming the youngest to ever win the title. Allen also owns four NFSR aggregate titles and the fastest steer roping time of 7.9 seconds, set in Duncan, Oklahoma, in 2000. “I want to be known for doing my best, for really trying hard on every turn,” Allen said.
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