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Open 7 Days a Week, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Ed McCarty

Ed McCarty grew up on the S Lazy S Ranch on Bear Creek 40 miles north of Cheyenne. He became a fine horseman at an early age and went on to become one of Cheyenne’s outstanding high school athletes. He graduated from high school in 1909 winning the steer roping at Cheyenne Frontier Days™ that July. He continued his rodeo career winning the wild horse race in 1911 steer wrestling in 1914 and bronc riding in 1919. Becoming a stock contractor for Cheyenne Frontier Days™ in 1913 Ed and his various partners (including Verne Elliott) continued to supply stock to Cheyenne Frontier Days™ rodeo with the exception of the years 1924 and 1934 until 1946. Ed McCary continued to be active participating in events stock contracting and putting on special shows throughout the states and in England.
