Terry "Buffie" Bottorff
Terry “Buffie” Bottorff was originally recruited to the Contestants Committee by Rodeo Secretary Ronda Mahan. Ronda wanted to see what aspects of administering the rodeo could be improved by using computers. It only took a few years for Buffie to demonstrate the many benefits in accuracy and timeliness of computers, and was subsequently hired to continue his efforts. Buffie helped revolutionize rodeo "accounting," as at that time, Cheyenne was the only rodeo using computers. Buffie helped the CFD rodeo automate every aspect of rodeo administration including accounting for entry fees, payoffs, check writing, stock draws, results, and final reports. Payoffs were calculated almost instantly and checks prepared in record time. In addition to helping the rodeo, he assisted in the establishment of a park-wide computer network that allowed real-time entry of times and scores directly from the arena. Buffie engrossed himself in his work. He arrived at the park each day well before show time, not to be seen again until after the show, when it was time to share a beverage and a story. Buffie first worked as an assistant to the Rodeo Secretary, but later qualified for PRCA designation and shared the Rodeo Secretary duties. He was a valued advisor to the Committee Chairman and did much to enhance the reputation for Cheyenne Frontier Days as the premier professional rodeo that it is. Buffie’s commitment to Frontier Days continued until just a few weeks before his passing when he no longer had the strength to hold his laptop. His last show in 2018 marked his 40th year of volunteering.
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