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Open 7 Days a Week, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

C.W. "Charlie" Hirsig

Charlie Hirsig brought five head of steer down from north of Cheyenne for a steer roping event at the first Frontier Day in 1897. Unfortunately, due to the lateness of the hour and the safety concerns of the spectators, the event was cancelled. Charlie Hirsig, however, had just become the first stock contractor for CFD™. With his partner, C.B. Irwin, Hirsig provided stock to Cheyenne Frontier Days™ from 1903 to 1911. He served as the Arena Director for 5 years in the early 1900s and as a General Chairman in 1919. Hirsig and C.B. Irwin produced a rodeo for the pleasure of President Theodore Roosevelt on May 29, 1903. The two local men formed a partnership that would last until Irwin’s death in 1933. They owned bucking stock such as Steamboat, developed a Wild West Show, were stock contractors and later had race horses. Irwin was the man of action and Hirsig was the banker for their enterprises. Hirsig was on the Frontier Committee from 1915 through 1917, then again in 1925. He was instrumental in building new steel grandstands which were used until 1995. An early HEEL, he continued his association with Frontier Days until his death in 1944.



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C.W. "Charlie" Hirsig
C.W. "Charlie" Hirsig

C.W. "Charlie" Hirsig

Charlie Hirsig was the first stock contractor for CFD™ and produced a rodeo for President Theodore Roosevelt.


C.W. "Charlie" Hirsig